Here is our sad attempt at getting a picture up of our new house! We are loving being here and are so happy with it. We love the big garage, the separate TV room and the neighborhood is really nice.

Hallie is loving pre-school! Here she is with the Thanksgiving crafts she made. She loves her new friends she has made and adores her teacher. We are very pleased with Jean Hunter, we have all gone to her and she is a really cute teacher.
We finally buckled down last weekend and got the bedrooms painted. Long story, when we moved in to this house, it had a really cute boy room and a really cute girl room. Of course, Hallie chose the boy room. It was navy blue and red, so really she could have kept it, but the other room was pink walls with purple curtains. Not so good for a baby boy. Hallie's very favorite color in the whole wide world is orange, so once she found out we were painting the baby's room, she asked if she could have her room orange. I had to talk her in to the pink, but she finally gave in and let us do both. It was a loooong two days, but we are really happy with the results. Hallie just loves it! Steph helped us out a ton. Here are the before and afters.

Isn't baby boy's pink room so cute? Here we are beginning the whole weekend of fun, fun, fun. NOT! Painting is NO fun.

Still taped, but you get the idea. Once we get all the junk out of the baby's rooom and get it all set up, I'll take better pictures of both rooms. Baby's room is a light green and light blue, I love how it turned out. Hallie's is a little bright, but she loves it and it actually looks pretty cute.
Yes, Halloween was a month ago, but better late than never, right? Hallie of course was a cowgirl this year. It took us a lot of convincing to tell her that she was indeed a cowgirl and not a cowboy. :) Here she is with her cousins, Tyler was the Grim Reaper, Emily a vampire, Jake a jailbird, Rach a vampire, Adam a skeleton and Kaden was a grumpy teenager. :) Below she is trick or treating with her good friend Riley. We had a fun Halloween.

And now we are finally caught up! Today we had a good time at dinner with my sisters and brother and mom and dad and all the cousins at dinner. I didn't get many pictures, but after dinner we had our first annual Gingerbread House competition! The teams were Adam and Tyler, Hallie and Rachael, Emily and Jessica and Stephanie (with a little help from Kevin). They all worked hard and when they were done everybody voted and the winner was.....Hallie and Rachael! Mom had to scramble around the house when the girls asked, what is out prize?. Haha, but she came up with prizes that they were very happy with and then of course, everybody else needed a prize too. :) It was a good Thanksgiving. I am thankful for my family and the fun times we have together. I'm thankful for my little immediate fam, my husband and daughter and new baby we are anxiously awaiting! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!