Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Birthday Carnival

In our ward, we had 5 of 8 Sunbeams all turned 4 in August, so all of the moms got together and decided to have a little combined birthday party/carnival, which eventually turned into a primary activity! There were probably about 60 kids there! It was crazy, but a lot of fun. Each kid had a ride named after them, Hallie's was 'Hallie's Outlaw Express" and we had our daddy dress in his overalls and give the kids rides on the fourwheeler and trailor. It was a big hit! It was just like a real carnival with a face painter, fortune teller, bounce house, carousel, cotton candy and all the other great carnival food. All the kids had such a good time. Hallie invited cousins Rachael, Adam and Emily (who ended up kinda babysitting, thanks Em!) and had the time of her life! It was a lot of fun and a great turnout! Thanks to everybody who helped.

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