Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Patricia and Polly



Sissy's: Patricia and Polly

Meet the newest additions to our family: Hallie's new kittens, Patricia and Polly. Our neighbors cat had kittens earlier this summer and they told Hallie from the very beginning that she could have one. She went over and picked hers out as soon as they were old enough to tell what they would look like! Hallie fell in love with the black one with the white paws and decided early on that it would be named Patches, however when she found out it was a girl, she decided to change it to Patricia. When asked her reasoning for this, she simply stated "Because Patricia is a girls name." Ok. So Patricia it is. Tony decided Patricia would do better if she had a friend, so along came Polly (Steph named that one, it just goes good with Patricia? Hallie wanted to name it Patricia's Sister) At first the kitties were scared of how excited Hallie was over them and they would kind of shy away from her, but now they are used to us and they stick around and Hallie really likes them a lot. Gunner also loves them, he loves to grab at them and try to eat their furr. They live in the garage, not in the $60 cat house we bought them, but in a bucket.

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